This week CFRB presents Angel of Wrath by Bill Myers.
FaithWords (April 8, 2009)
Like all our life stories and the scriptures this is a story of redemption for many characters as well as an illustration of the consequences of unrepentant attitudes and behavior. As humans all of us are imperfect and these characters certainly fit that description and then some yet many of them find salvation in Christ as well as a true relationship with Him that they were lacking at the start. As many of us, myself included are wont to do, a few of Myers’ characters are the do-it-myself types who behave under the mistaken belief that they have to control everything because they forget or don’t believe that God is truly in control. As Townsend and Cloud would put it we have boundary issues with God and are confusing our responsibilities and His or worse aren’t trusting Him to carry out His end of the deal. Anyway although the story itself is rather dark, the ending does display God’s power in a pitched spiritual battle in a very descriptive and unique way. Myers as usual dishes up a riveting narrative for readers and characters that become lasting residents of the imagination once you have discovered them. Being a sequel I was a bit uncertain as to reading it alone but Myers has managed to weave in enough backstory to keep a new reader up to speed without bogging the story down with extra details that turn off those wanting to keep moving with the plot. Overall I would say for fans of Myers’ writing and those who enjoy a psychological thriller but don’t mind a bit of gore in the process this is worth your time to read. I must admit though that although I found the story intriguing, this definitely isn’t my usual fare. (ISBN#9780446698009, 336pp, $13.99)
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