You hard-core Sci-fi Fans out there might just have a new author to enjoy in Chris Walley. I’m not personally much into the heavy duty sci-fi but Mr. Walley has written a good story packed with terraforming, genetic engineering, spiritual battles between good and evil, and some great characters as well. I was disappointed by the lack of romance in the plot but I suppose that is typical in these sorts of stories. Regardless Mr. Walley has written a series that even a scientifically challenged person can read and enjoy. He doesn’t bog down in explanations but provides enough detail and back story that I was able to follow the technology and science involved in the story and feel like I wasn’t clueless in terms of the story events. On top of all this he has woven this futuristic terran assembly of solar systems with a Christian Worldview yet without contriving the faith element, it is simply an integral part of his characters and society. I may not be a sci-fi fan but this is one book that makes me want to read it in it’s entirety despite not being my usual fare.
Be sure to check out the author’s website and blog as well as the other CSFF bloggers’ posts (the other posts can be reached via the list in my right sidebar under the CSFF Graphic or by using links in the CSFF Intro Post I put up yesterday.
You absolutely hit the nail on the head – it was easy to understand without having to be a science geek! It was so nice to read a sci-fi book that didn’t go on an on about this flux capacitor or the speed of light or something.
You absolutely hit the nail on the head – it was easy to understand without having to be a science geek! It was so nice to read a sci-fi book that didn’t go on an on about this flux capacitor or the speed of light or something.